Technology: Venom and Antidote for B2B Sales Teams

The pandemic caught us all off guard and the whip-fast switch to remote working immobilised many B2B sales teams. Managers grappled with which collaboration tools to back, and how to extract maximum value. Reps feverishly tried to improve their virtual sales skills and make themselves irreplaceable in a world where physical presence had lost its potency, practically overnight.

Buying groups also suffered short-term paralysis from the swift shift in technology adoption. Lockdown catalysed them to look inwards and spend more time on research, data analysis and ensuring remote alignment. Over the last 18 months, B2B buyers have developed new digital skills and capabilities, and they've grown more powerful.

Sales reps lost their confidence when they were plunged into this new “virtual-first” sales environment, with only one in five saying they’re as effective at selling virtually as they are in-person. Garter research found that 93% of reps have experienced difficulties in the virtual environment that negatively impact their selling capabilities. Given these challenges it’s not surprising that 58% need dedicated coaching sessions from sales managers to remedy the situation. Many sales leaders are looking to technology to support the day-to-day management of their teams.

Buyers adopted new technologies fast, and now sellers must do the same.

The new B2B buying journey is digital-first, self-service and automated - and salespeople have been struggling to adapt. A direct consequence of these changes is that 43% of B2B buyers now say they would prefer a “rep-free” buying experience, given the option. However, sellers might say they don’t want reps involved, but those that go it alone score 23% higher on “purchase regret”.

The future of B2B sales will be a mix of real and virtual engagements - a complementary symbiosis of human and machine insight. The combination of these two approaches is superior to either alone, and will become the standard for how sales teams engage buyers and develop themselves.

The right solutions can empower sellers who need coaching and training. When they're better skilled at virtual selling, reps can guide buyers through the nuanced digital landscape to better purchase decisions. Technology can also help managers become better coaches and grow into genuine leaders. Empowering the whole sales team through technology will enable Chief Sales Officers to reinvent B2B selling, better serve post-pandemic buying practices and unlock market leading revenue growth.

Organisations that want to harness the power of technology must ensure data quality, literacy and governance are robust. Only then should they choose an automation or AI platform, while balancing technical and cultural feasibility against business value.

Now is the time for business leaders to take advantage of the opportunities offered by sales technology. As digital buying accelerates in the coming years, B2B sales teams will have to master new tools rapidly and constantly work on their virtual selling game. Effective use of technology can help them succeed.


Neon scorpion photo by Shayna Take on Unsplash

Alastair Cole

Co-Founder & CEO

Alastair started his career in digital marketing, using technology to create award-winning campaigns and innovative products for world-leading brands including Google, Apple and Tesco. As a practice lead responsible for business development, he became aware that the performance of sales staff improved when they were coached more regularly. His vision is that technology can be used to support sales managers as they work to maximise the effectiveness of their teams.

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