
Below are five positive outcomes that can be realised by working with Revenue Coach

1. Get ahead of rapidly-evolving buyers

  • Master virtual sales technology and become experts at engaging buyers remotely

  • Make great content accessible across multiple channels and be sure to include features, benefits and testimonials

  • Be ready to answer tougher questions about product details from more diverse buying groups

  • Enable buyers to seamlessly self-serve using an end-to-end digital purchasing platform

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2. Use data to enable sellers and monitor sales team performance.

  • Sales coaching is personalised using data gathered from the exact position of every deal

  • Microlearning videos are tailored for sellers to help them be successful in their next client interaction

  • Attention is placed on deals that have stalled using data collected from recent activity and 7-day rolling change

  • Leaderboards give managers real-time visibility of how their teams are performing

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3. Improve sales outcomes by having buyer-relevant content at your fingertips

  • Be an authority on your organisation’s content and omnichannel marketing strategies

  • Develop expertise in prospecting using virtual sales technology

  • Become proficient at managing micro-communities on social media and in-person

  • Work closely with marketing leaders to ensure the quality and consistency of digital touchpoints

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4. Deliver dynamic coaching by using technology

  • Better enable buying groups by dynamically aligning your sales coaching to each buyer’s specific journey

  • Increase your team’s productivity by using the intelligence and scalability of sales technology

  • Harness the power of technology to keep your organisation competitive

  • Champion digital transformation and help your organisation adapt to virtual working

5. Empower sales reps with bitesize microlearning content

  • Offer reps smaller units of learning that have a single learning objective

  • Regularly repeat the same microlearnings and watch as your reps recall and use them more often

  • Enable your reps to gain new knowledge in shorter slices of time, on any device

  • Deliver continuous, personalised education to all sellers using the power of technology

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