Sharpen Your Skills to Thrive during Times of Change

“In times of change, learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” ― Eric Hoffer

For most people, change is difficult. We all have habits, systems and traditions - which serve as coping mechanisms as much as they do ways of keeping us out of trouble. Even when a future state appears clearly better for us than the current situation, it can feel incredibly difficult changing the routines we’ve put in place for ourselves. Often, it’s not the actual change that makes us feel uneasy, it’s the uncertainty of what might happen in that future state.

As more countries emerge from lockdown, staff are returning to offices and teams are grappling with hybrid working models. Business leaders are working hard to implement new ways of working, and have even less time than before to coach their teams. In the midst of so much change and recalibration, with everything seeming to be changing daily, it feels harder than ever to focus on the basics - but we must. Core skills must continue to be developed by staff so that projects and pipelines are advanced, targets are met, and employees grow as individuals.

Which is why we’re resurfacing the first series of the ‘Sustainable Performance’ podcast - in which we share bitesize practical tips on improving workplace performance.

The first eight episodes tackle some of the biggest current workplace challenges, and will empower you to grow as an individual:

  1. Overcoming rejection - inspired by our late night conversations around collecting ‘nos’, and the human truth that we all experience rejection in our lives.

  2. Telling great stories - an essential skill for life and business, and one that is much harder under lockdown when we’re all remote.

  3. Active listening - a capability that’s hard to master but one that can bring you a better understanding of the situation and of the person that is speaking.

  4. Managing your time - because time is your most precious commodity, and understanding how to optimise it can bring you a greater sense of control and achievement in life.

  5. Goal setting - an action that is fundamental to our personal and professional success and becoming the person that we want to be.

  6. Making better decisions - a complex process that we undertake hundreds of times every day, and often the difference between success and failure.

  7. Collaborating remotely - working together remotely has gone from being an occasional practice to the everyday norm for many of us, and this new way of collaborating will remain long after lockdowns are lifted.

  8. Motivating others - everyone is experiencing burnout at the moment and it’s really tough getting team members fired-up remotely.

Listen Now and boost your performance at work!

Alastair Cole

Co-Founder & CEO

Alastair started his career in digital marketing, using technology to create award-winning campaigns and innovative products for world-leading brands including Google, Apple and Tesco. As a practice lead responsible for business development, he became aware that the performance of sales staff improved when they were coached more regularly. His vision is that technology can be used to support sales managers as they work to maximise the effectiveness of their teams.

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